A reminder since cold and flu season is in full swing....
From the handbook here at Sterling Public Schools:
Students must leave school if they have a temperature of 100.0 degrees, diarrhea, communicable diseases (e. g. ringworm, pink eye, chickenpox, head lice) or they are vomiting or at the discretion of school personnel. It is important for the health of all students, including your student that no student shall return to school any sooner than 24 hours after the fever or last symptom (such as vomiting or diarrhea) have subsided without the aid of any fever reducing medication (such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen).
If a student becomes ill while at school, he/she will obtain a pass from a teacher to go to the Office. The office personnel will help however possible. Parents will be contacted if necessary. The school staff or ESU 4 nurse are forbidden by law to diagnose or to dispense medication unless the student is under the direct supervision of a medical doctor.
If any student develops symptoms of illness or is injured at school, the parent, guardian, or any person designated on the student’s emergency card by the parent, will be notified. If deemed necessary by school personnel, they will be requested to take the student home or make arrangements for the student to go home and/or get medical attention. Students may not check themselves out of school.